Our Investment Strategy

Miami University’s Social Impact Fund is dedicated to helping social entrepreneurs build and scale businesses with seed-stage investing. The fund puts its dollars to work by evaluating and completing due diligence on start-ups that are having trouble accessing capital but are empowering the community around them through their products and services. Each start-up has a quantifiable social impact that can accurately illustrate how it affects and influences the lives of its target audience in a beneficial way.

SIF’s main goal is to connect start-ups with much-needed capital, ranging from $25,000 to $50,000. We invest with equity or revenue-based financing.


Resolv (previously Moxie Girls) is impacting the mental illness space, providing teens and young adults with a trained and certified mentor through a mobile app, equipped with custom resources and individual mental health support. Resolv was acquired by Mindfully in early 2022. Social Impact Fund invested in 2020.

Ellequate (previously Queen City Certified) is the nation’s leading data-informed employer certification and cohort-based leadership program for intersectional workplace equity. They provide a roadmap for organizations that want to gain a competitive advantage by fostering a diverse and inclusive workplace. Social Impact Fund invested in 2021.

Keepsake Tales is working to show every child that they are one of a kind and have intrinsic value by creating custom children’s books for underrepresented children. Social Impact Fund invested in 2021 and in 2022.

Blue Ocean Solids provides innovative solid concentrates for water treatment, eliminating the need for hazardous liquid chemicals. They provide the same water treatment chemistry with a more sustainable and non-toxic alternative. Social Impact Fund invested in 2022.

Friend A Felon App is America's first and only felony friendly job and housing marketplace and reentry help desk app. Social Impact Fund invested in 2023.